About us

All the Perks

If you want to stream your art live, we’re here to hear your story and transmit it world wide


The show goes on


Streaming it live, from stage to your living room

Access to art performances

No frontiers

Stream now

From anywhere to now

Reinventing transmission

Another form of culture, another form of showing care for art


What we see is what you get. Translating from the language of vision to the language of perception, the quality of the act is vital. We Adrian Danciu, Cristian Ilea, Rafael Vasilcin, Lucian Ciorba, Zsolt Tamasi, Olimpiu Vuia know that you know: to be critical, to ask for the best angle and consume quality. We know how to deliver that.

In 100 years of accumulated experience in filming around the world, Stage ON team faces the future, understanding the alchemy of technology. We  take play seriously. Since 2020

If you want to stream your art live, we’re here to hear your story and transmit it world wide

Our cameras, your access to the world.


Why Choose Us

“I found it excellent, the experience of performing in the streaming experience. At first, I entered the show with some fear. I didn’t quite know what to expect. I thought the physical lack of the audience would make the show unbeaten. It wasn’t like that at all. The presence of the cameras gave me an extraordinary feeling. I was very aware that I was being followed by hundreds of pairs of eyes at that moment. As I adjusted my play, I became more and more integre. My fear that the feeling of my act will not reach the spectators has disappeared. I actually had total confidence in the filming crew and in the way it will be staged live.”


Actress, National Theatre Timişoara

Eu nu am avut ocazia să joc în varianta live-streaming. Experiența mea e în calitate de regizor. Cand am început lucrul la spectacol speram să nu ajung să dau premiera online. Situația pandemică a continuat, așa că soluția cea mai bună a fost platforma de live-streaming. Și mă bucur că a fost aceasta, si nu cea a înregistrării spectacolului pentru că am simțit că oamenii sunt alături de noi, chiar și de acasă. 

În plus, am învățat multe aspecte tehnice, în forme artistice diferite față de ce-mi imaginam eu. Live-streaming înseamnă mobilizarea unei echipe extinse. Aspectele artistice au fost modificate puțin pentru camere (lumini, intrările actorilor), dar emoțiile din spectacol nu. Și asta e întotdeauna un plus. Frica cea mai mare a artiștilor, atunci când joacă in online este ca emotia să nu poată sparge ecranul. Iar teatrul fără emoție este unul mort. Cu Stage ON nu a fost așa.

Ana Maria Ursu

Director artistic, Teatrul Basca

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